Paintings for Your Home
Paintings of Verbier & the surrounding region
Victor Egorov’s paintings of Verbier and the Four Valleys not only make a stunning addition to an Alpine home but also as an addition to any interior.
Verbier’s views are breathtaking, and this talented artist has captured them beautifully. Whether from the vantage point of Marlenaz, or from the village or even from a pair of skis, this artist has a dazzling ability to paint snow and capture the clouds hanging above the peaks.
Anna Hunter, the gallery director and a Verbier resident (as often as possible) has been mesmerised by how the artist can paint the sensation of being in the mountains. The works all are oil on canvas paintings and range from £4,500 (for the portrait works measuring 78 x 63cm) to £6,500 for the larger 104 x 83.5 cm landscapes.
Belgravia Gallery in London represents Victor Egorov and has commissioned the artist to produce a series of works inspired by Verbier, in winter and summer too. Most of the works are available to view in the Mayfair gallery but others will be on display in Verbier this winter.
Victor Egorov is a Russian painter born in 1972 in the Urals. He qualified with Honours from the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg in 2005.
His realist style remains influenced by the traditional methods at the renowned Academy of Fine Arts and by the 19th century Russian masters such as Korovin and Levitan, though his most favourite artist remains John Constable. He may be regarded as St. Petersburg’s most promising young realist landscape artist.
Past exhibitions include the prestigious City Exhibition Hall, Moscow from 1999 to 2003 and at the Gallery of Modern Art, St. Petersburg 2003 and 2004
Please contact the gallery directly for more information, for images and for specific prices and do visit the website to browse the collection.